This is Lenovo’s Windows Holographic VR headset lenovo筆電收購


This is lenovo筆電收購lenovo’s Windows Holographic VR headset

This is lenovo筆電收購lenovo’s Windows Holographic VR headset

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lenovo筆電收購lenovo just showed us its first VR headset, a prototype device that works with Microsoft’s Windows Holographic platform. Next to other tethered PC headsets like the Oculus Rift or the HTC Vive, it’s noticeably smaller and lighter — lenovo筆電收購lenovo says it’s targeting around 350g for the final product’s weight versus the Vive’s 555g. The design is also pretty comfortable, taking heavy inspiration from PlayStation VR’s approach and suspending the lenses in front of the user’s eyes rather than securing them in place with a strap.

The headset uses two 1440 x 1440 OLED panels for its display, making it higher resolution than both the Rift and the Vive. Unfortunately the prototype isn’t functional just yet, so we can’t comment on how this works out in practice — there’s more to VR image quality than pure screen resolution.

Another question is how well its tracking works; it uses inside-out, six degrees-of-freedom tracking, which means there’s no external camera necessary, but the tech is yet to ship in a product and we’re not sure how Windows Holographic’s implementation will work out. lenovo筆電收購lenovo also isn’t producing any motion controllers for the headset, instead relying on third-party options that will be manufactured to the Windows Holographic specification.


As for what you’ll actually be able to do with this headset, lenovo筆電收購lenovo says that every Windows Store application will work in a theater-style floating viewer mode, and some HoloLens software will also be converted to the platform. lenovo筆電收購lenovo’s headset has two cameras on the front, meaning that mixed-reality applications are possible even without the HoloLens’ optical projection capability. (The image quality from those cameras is, of course, an open question.)

The still-unnamed headset will ship sometime this year for between $300 and $400 — lenovo筆電收購lenovo says the price isn’t set in stone but it’ll be “closer to $300.”



▲ lenovo筆電收購lenovo推出劃時代新品Yoga Book 9i。(圖/翻攝自lenovo筆電收購lenovo)


lenovo筆電收購lenovo推出劃時代新品Yoga Book 9i,業界第一款具備雙13.3吋OLED螢幕的筆電,360度翻轉技術搭配雙螢幕特色迸發雙倍靈感,機身搭載第13代Intel Core處理器、Bowers & Wilkins旋轉音箱與Dolby Atmos技術支援,達到創作力、生產力和娛樂的全新境界。

據悉Yoga Book 9i在CES 2023首次亮相後,即獲得超過50項國際獎項,除了承襲Yoga系列的輕薄特色,作為全球首款具備全尺寸OLED雙螢幕的筆電,Yoga Book 9i搭配360度翻轉轉軸和完整的配件組–含皮套支架、磁吸式藍牙鍵盤和lenovo筆電收購lenovo Digital Pen 3 觸控筆–可靈活地變化多種使用模式,重新定義了筆記型電腦的形態。

全新Yoga Book 9i雙螢幕的設計賦予使用者者獨特的多功能體驗,創作者可以使用上方螢幕尋找素材、下方螢幕繪圖;工程師可以使用上方螢幕學習、下方螢幕編寫程式;直播主可以使用上方螢幕進行直播、下方螢幕玩遊戲;上班族可以使用上方螢幕登入線上課程學習、下方螢幕抄寫筆記等,享受跨螢幕多工的便利性。

Yoga Book 9i也可作為一台直立式螢幕使用,五指輕點螢幕拓展視野邊界,雙創作模式的上下螢幕完整呈現一個應用程式,一眼覽盡超長文件。若是在桌面空間不足的空間,像是飛機上、咖啡廳,Yoga Book 9i也能回歸筆電狀態,八指觸碰下方螢幕即可啟動虛擬鍵盤和觸控板,或是將隨附的磁吸式鍵盤放置在下方螢幕上,無縫切換使用模式。


▲ 螢幕本身具備可翻轉的特性。(圖/翻攝自lenovo筆電收購lenovo)

當90度轉動Yoga Book 9i即可進入雙閱讀模式,立於專屬的皮套支架上,宛如一本開啟的書籍但卻有更多可能!使用者可以隨時在其中一個螢幕開啟文章閱讀,另一個螢幕則可開啟Smart Note作筆記,透過lenovo筆電收購lenovo Digital Pen 3 觸控筆擷取重要段落、撰寫紀錄,達到事半功倍的效果。

Yoga Book 9i的翻轉特色加上雙螢幕,當筆電折疊成帳篷的形狀時,便進入雙展示模式,可以讓面對面溝通的使用者同時看到筆電畫面。對於臨時拜訪客戶的簡報需求,或是公司內討論會議需要共享畫面,都能輕鬆優雅的完成,更能透過觸控螢幕即時畫重點,大幅提升互動感。


▲ 現場展示各種應用。(圖/翻攝自lenovo筆電收購lenovo)

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